Zoning Map Approved / UDC now in Effect

The BOC approved UDC Zoning Map at their most recent meeting on 9/19 formally enacting the Unified Development Code (UDC) that was approved on 8/1/22. The UDC now replaces the previous 2005 Zoning Regulations, their revisions, and supporting codes such as Subdivision and Development Code and Zoning Text Amendment - Heavy Industrial. 

The BOC is allowing property owners, whose parcels were previously zoned Agriculture Intensive (AI) under the 2005 Zoning Regulations and changed to a different zoning district under the UDC, to request to retain AI zoning for these specific parcels only.

Starting Monday, 9/26/2022, property owners will be required to provide this request in person and/or in writing to Planning & Zoning Staff. 

The deadline for these requests is 11/30/2022 and no requests received following this date will be processed by staff.

If you wish to request a zoning change back to AI, you will need to provide a copy of the tax bill or documentation from the tax office showing parcel and owner information to Planning & Zoning staff when making the request. Staff will provide a form that each property owner will need to complete in order to process each request in addition to tax documentation.  

For properties with multiple owners listed or owners from out of state, the form will need to be signed and notarized by all owners prior to submission. For parcels held by a company, additional documentation will be required showing that the person making the request is the lawful owner, operator, agent, etc. for the company. 

Please see the UDC Zoning map for current zoning and Previous County Zoning map for comparison in regards to your property. 

**Parcel tax information or the use of qPublic may be needed to look up specific parcels in comparing the two maps. For assistance in obtaining parcel numbers, please contact the Franklin County Tax Assessor's Office or check qPublic.**

The map will be updated intermittently between 9/26 and 11/30 so that property owners can check and confirm that their requested change has taken place.